Classy gay men clothing

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Also, if you’re naturally a blond, don’t fake it – pride on your blonde locks.

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Style things up, follow trends, come up with your own, personalized do… just don’t look like a girl (no offense!) who’s got her hair done at a low-budget salon. A nice hairdo on a guy is great and it should never include the above-mentioned. Highlighting, bleaching or frosting your hair is a huge no-no for every guy who’s got at least a little bit of self-respect. Over the years, we have had the opportunity to see too many faux pas moments walk the streets and we kind of hope we won’t have to deal with those again, anytime soon. Just like not all heterosexuals can change a tire, fix a fridge or do plumbing all gays can’t put together a decent outfit. When it comes to gay fashion, there’s a global expectation that all gays have an inborn sense of fashion and style which, in all honestly, simply isn’t true. Yes, that includes Anna Wintour too… although we’ve never managed to catch that mistake, but hey, we will someday, Anna… we will!

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Ok, so here’s the thing – when it comes to fashion, there’s probably no person alive that hasn’t made a mistake at some point.

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